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P.O. Box 2252
Houston,  TX  77252-2252

It is my pleasure to be the Stewart over Trinity Trimmers. I am blessed to be able to serve my brothers and sisters in the community. Our slogan is “We’re More Than Landscapers, We’re A Ministry”. Our ministry focuses on employing people from the community to serve the community, and taking an active approach in sowing into people’s lives. Our ministry focuses of the development of men. If some one is searching for work, they were laid-off, have a scratch or two on there record and are struggling to find employment. We not only employ them but transform there lives outside of work. We focus on the inner-man and when that takes place the behavior transform into that of a morally sound servant leader.

We you hire Trinity Trimmers for the job, your not only receiving excellent service at an affordable price. But you have the opportunity to transform someone lives. How does this work you ask? When you hire our service men, we mainly interview for people with morals and values. We use biblical teachings to guide and grow them in the areas of responsibility, masculinity, servant hood and stewardship. What we have come to find out in most work settings, morals and values are often compromised for a dollar. Here a Trinity Trimmers we don’t chase a profit we are in the business of transforming lives they income is a side affect. When you can install morals and values and everyone walks in truth. We understand that the business will be provided by the Lord.

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