Christian Owned and Operated
home about us business directory Frequently Asked Questions Testimonials

Q How much activity does this website get?
A Because of our large advertising campaign, the site currently gets 1,000's page views each day!
Q How do we promote our organization on this site?
A From the Home Page, click on the "Promote Your Organization" link and fill out the form. It only takes a few minutes!
Q What are your advertising rates?
Q What if our business falls under 2 different categories? Your form only allows for one.
A Submit your business under the category that best fits, then send us an email telling us of the second category. We’ll be glad to put it under the second one for you also.
Q What if our business falls under a category that doesn’t exist in the directory?
A - Submit your business under the "Other/Temporary" category and we’ll create a category for your business.
Q What if I feel a company listed in the directory is not Christian owned and operated?
A Please send us an email with your justifications. Upon investigation, we may remove them from the directory.

Also, if we get 3 customer complaints against a business, we will investigate and consider removing them from the directory.